Ideas again!

Every time people got drunk in college, there seemed to be one obvious question- "What is Life" and I am still searching for an answer. But questions do not cease. Neither do thoughts. Nor ideas. I have tried doing nothing (I mean literally nothing) on few weekends, but failed miserably.
One such thought is about choice- Be it shopping, multiple choice questions or getting a girl. Choices come in two variants-
  1. Self made- while buying something or at a restaurant looking at the menu.
  2. Forced- career paths and questions from parents where answering "None of these" is not an option.
We all face the problem of too many choices. Working with a single minded approach would be great, but then, it would spoil the charm of wandering.
One of the ideas that's on my mind now a days is about taking decisions. Is it really that difficult?
Maybe it depends on the choices.How many of us take help when we need to decide something? When was the last time we took a decision on our own?
But when have we paid someone to help us decide. Is it only the Corporate Biggies that need consultants? Everyone needs help. Every day of our life we decide something. Its just a matter of time that this huge potential of "MASS" is realized.

Here's my take on ideating:
The are two distinctive ways to day dream and come up with ideas:
  1. Staring at the clear night sky, with distant howls creating an atmosphere perfect for thoughts. Well, it might be better suited for poetic dabbling, but still ideas do spring up every now and then.
  2. Bathroom. Yes this is indeed tried and tested. This is a place to consolidate your ideas and chalk out plans.
  3. If intoxication can't solve something, it must be unsolvable!
Ideas again! Ideas again! Reviewed by Shaunak on 12:46 PM Rating: 5

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